Parent Teacher Association


The name of the Association shall be the “Parents Teacher Association” (Hereinafter referred to as the “PTA”). There shall be an Executive Committee represented by parents and guardians of students attending the school (Hereinafter referred to as the “School”).

Purpose of Association

  1. To support the school’s mission, vision, values, programs and activities for the benefit of the students and the School.
  2. To facilitate and promote positive communication between the School and parents.
  3. To encourage participation of all parents in activities at the school and promote a spirit of collaboration, inclusion, and cooperation among the DHSHP family.


There shall be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Communications Coordinator, Events Coordinator, and Past President of the “PTA.”


The school Administration shall be responsible for facilitating a fair and transparent election process through an acceptable ballot for parents to cast the votes. New Executive Committee members shall be announced after the election process and newly elected PTA leaders will be required to attend an orientation process prior to assuming office conducted by the school’s Administration.


  1. The Executive Committee members shall assume their official duties at the beginning of the school year. All members shall serve a term of one (1) year with the exception of the sitting President and Secretary;
    • The President shall serve another one (1) year term as Past President.
    • The Secretary shall serve a two (2) year term.
  2.  If the President is unable to fulfill his or her term, the Vice President shall serve as his or
    her successor;
  3. Vacancies: If any of the members are unable to fulfill his or her term, the President (or
    Vice President in the absence of the President) shall request the school
    Administration to conduct an election process to replace the member;
  4. Removal from Office: A two-thirds (2/3) vote is required by the Executive Committee members in order to recommend to the school  Administration that the Executive Committee member be removed from office for failure to perform assigned duties, for indulging in a criminal act or unethical behavior, or for missing three (3) consecutive
    meetings of the Association;
  5. Former members of the Executive Committee may be nominated for a new executive position after a one year’s absence from the Executive Committee.


The following are duties and responsibilities of each Executive Committee member:


  • Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Association;
  • Confirm that a quorum is present before conducting any business at any meeting of the Executive Committee or Association;
  • Have general and active management of the affairs of the Association;
  • See that all decisions and resolutions of the Association are carried into effect;
  • Coordinate the work of the association in order that the Purposes may be promoted.
  • Familiar with the Association Terms of Reference;
  • Regularly report all activities and affairs of the Association to the School Senior Administration.

Vice President

  • Assume all duties and responsibilities of the President in his or her absence or inability to act;
  • Familiar with the Association Terms of Reference;
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee or the President.


  • Keep an accounting of the funds through the management of the receipts and disbursements and give a current report at each meeting of the Association;
  • Submit funds to the School for safekeeping;
  • With the approval and signature from the President (or Vice President in the absence of the President), request the Association funds from the School to use for all Association sponsored activities and events;
  • Provide reports when requested by the President regarding all incoming funds and expenditures of the Association;
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee or the President.


  • Work in partnership with the president to ensure meeting notices, agenda items, and minutes are recorded and circulated in a timely manner;
  • Take and transcribe minutes of the proceedings of any Executive Committee or Association meetings;
  • If required, record all votes of all Executive Committee or Association meetings;
  • Work with the Communications Coordinator to ensure accurate information is communicated to all members of the Association and the School;
  • Maintain up to date members list;
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee or the President.

Events Coordinator

  • Coordinate, manage and organize all activities and events that are sponsored by the Association;
  • On behalf of the President and the Executive Committee, share the Association’s annual list of sponsored activities to the School. The School reserves the right to approve or not approve activities that are proposed by the Association;
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee or the President.

Past President

  • Ensure continuity during governance transitions and change of the Executive Committee;
  • Help ensure the appropriate succession of Executive Committee members;
  • Support the President in his/her role;
  • Provide continuity to the Association and the Executive Committee by providing historical context for issues and decision making;
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee or the President.


  • Regular Executive Committee meetings shall be determined by the President;
  • One (1) Executive Committee meeting a month shall be called upon by the President;
  • A quorum for the Executive Committee shall consist of a simple majority of the members.


  • General Association meetings include all meetings where the entire membership is notified;
  • A minimum of two (2) general Association meetings a year (preferably one per semester) shall be called upon by the Executive Committee;
  • A quorum for the general Association meetings shall consist of a simple majority.


  • The PTA may raise funds through social, cultural or sporting events activities. However, all activities must be pre-approved by the School;
  • All funds collected by the Executive Committee through fund raising or other means shall be submitted to the School’s Director of Finance within 5 working days for safekeeping;
  • Withdrawals of PTA funds can be made upon the request and signature of the President (or the Vice President in the absence of the President).
  • The final financial statement and budget of the Association will be closed at the last meeting of the year.


  • As with any organization in association with the school, the Association falls under the auspices of the School;
  • All communications with the outside agencies or the community and/or budgetary decisions must be done in collaboration with the School administration;
  • The PTA may not participate in any activities that go against the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education or the law of the State of Qatar;
  • The PTA may not participate for political or personal agendas in the name of the School;
  • No alterations or additions can be made to this Terms of Reference without the notification and consent of the School.